Helpful Resources

Please note school year 2023–2024 is the last year the PDD option will be available.


Submission Tutorial

Resubmission Tutorial

Online Portfolio for Alternative Licensure

The Online Portfolio for Alternative Licensure (OPAL) is a focused, compact collection of documentation compiled by the teacher seeking initial licensure. The OPAL documentation is a collection of data (e.g., lesson descriptions, handouts, student work, video and audio recordings, and photos) with explanations of that data written by the teacher. No one part of the portfolio fully represents a teacher’s work, but the entire portfolio is intended to provide evidence to determine whether a teacher is qualified to attain a Level 1 license through the alternative route.

Region 9 AND NMPED Virtual Training OPAL Preparation and Coaching

Office hours sessions will resume in August.

NMPED and REC9 are working together to assist teachers as they prepare their PDD and OPAL submissions. Please view our newly released training videos to receive insight into the requirements and process to completing your submission. After viewing the training materials, coaching assistance is offered via office hours up to six times a week where an applicant may pose questions or receive guidance in any area they may need additional guidance.

OPAL Submission Deadline

Submission deadline to be determined.