Information Technology

Region 9 provides general technical assistance for district members including hardware, connectivity, and district program accountability support and application development.

Information Technology Goals

  • Provide districts with a diverse range and coordinated set of technological services.
  • Align provision of services with resources available including staff and funding.
  • Provide a continuum of professional development that addresses individual district needs, aligns with state and federal requirements for highly qualified personnel, and supports the PED accountability initiatives.


Information technology staff assists districts with maintenance, procurement, and planning for hardware and software needs critical to student instruction and program management. Staff provides day-to-day troubleshooting to maintain efficiency of technology operations.

Data Analysis

Information technology staff work closely with member districts and Region 9 programs to secure and submit required data at the district, state, and federal levels. Staff also assists in securing data to assist instructional leaders in critical data analysis and decision-making.

Program Support

Information technology staff coordinates with districts and programs to support implementation of technology-based learning programs, data-gathering programs, and management programs.

Grant Management

Information technology staff, at the direction of the Region 9 Coordinating Council, pursues grants and e-rate resources to assist districts and Region 9 in implementing technology-based services and programs.


Stacy Wren
Director of Technology Services
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Patrick Berry
Technology Support Specialist, Capitan, Carrizozo, Cloudcroft, Corona, Hondo, Region 9
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Emmanuel Hernandez
Technology Support Specialist, Testing Coordinator Consultant, Capitan, Carrizozo, Cloudcroft, Corona, Hondo, Region 9
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Robert Miller
Technology Support Specialist, Testing Coordinator Consultant Capitan, Carrizozo, Cloudcroft, Corona, Hondo, Region 9
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Shane Villado
Technology Support Specialist, Capitan, Carrizozo, Cloudcroft, Corona, Hondo, Region 9
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