Perspectives on Leadership

Ouch…Remembering the Importance of Listening to Learn so that We Can Lead


I was having a conversation the other day with someone who was struggling to communicate with their supervisor. She was trying to share a concern about a roadblock to productivity.

It's Never about the Role; It's Always about the Goal


“Great leaders don’t set out to be a leader—they set out to make a difference. It’s never about the role; it’s always about the goal.” - Rachel Ngom

Leadership Is Not About the Change; It Is About the Constant.


A leader I admire recently said to me, "Holy cow, there is a lot going on!" It made me think about all the changes that have impacted leadership these past few years including COVID, changes in staffing, changes in school leadership at the state and local level, changes in philosophy and community climate, and the continual challenges with budget, staffing, and district needs. 

To-Done List


The other day I was sharing some ideas/thoughts with a person I highly respect as an individual and a leader. One of the things I talked about was the importance of a “To-Done” list.

Let it Go. Let it Go. Let it Go.


With the stress of these unusual times, I hear that song from Frozen in my head quite frequently. It’s just pretty challenging at times, trying to get things done in the way I am used to and have always done them when I don’t always have access to the tools/resources I used in the past. So, I am learning to let it go and relearn and rethink.

The Effect of Unplanned Events on Leadership


So I missed the last deadline to submit a blog. Yikes! It wasn’t because I chose not to write it. It isn’t because I didn’t have a friendly invitation from Teresa. It was Monday and then it was the next Monday. This happens to us as leaders. We have “to do” lists.

This Too Shall Pass


This is such an interesting time in our history and certainly a first that I can remember in education with schools being closed for the remainder of this year.

A Time to Come Together


This is an unsettling time for our communities, state, and nation. Indeed, globally. It is time to come together, breathe, and respond proactively.

Responding to Unanticipated Events


This has certainly been an interesting time. Coronavirus, stock market roller coaster, full moon, time change, and Friday the 13th...these are all events that impact our work setting in some way.

Perspectives on Leadership


Last week, I shared the importance of looking outside our agency for leadership inspiration. Whether we do a book study, online research, or look to other organizations, it is important as leaders that we continually renew and analyze leadership. 

Creating Synergy and Excitement in Our Workplace


My niece is visiting this week and she recently changed jobs. I was listening to her talk about her new job and feeding off her energy and excitement. It made me stop and think about the powerful impact we have as leaders to create a synergy and excitement in our workplace.

Perspectives on Leadership


Sometimes listening is the best tool we have as leaders, particularly when we are in a position of giving constructive feedback or receiving constructive feedback.

Keeping Grounded


As a leader, one of the things I loved about having a working mission statement is that it kept me grounded.

Making it Through Tired Times


“I’m tired.”

That was my response to a question from Teresa Barnett yesterday when I stopped by the R9 office. Teresa’s kind reply was “That’s okay.”

How to Set Digital Boundaries with Your Job and Manage Your Time.


On the morning of January 21, 2020, while watching The Today Show, I was reminded of a significant shift in leadership. It’s digital leadership. Technology has brought us so many resources to support us in our work. At the same time, it has become a double-edged sword.

Leadership vs. Management


“Management is about persuading people to do things they do not want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could.” Steve Jobs

End of Year Resolutions


December is here and before we know it, we will be bringing in a new decade and year and making new resolutions. It’s always a time of year when I think about my personal goals and they are usually around what I am eating and how I am exercising.

Leadership is a Verb


One of the strengths of R9 is “leadership”. Being a leader is not just described by our job descriptions or assigned to our Coordinating Council, R9 administration or Leadership Team.